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  • 16-Jan-23

When the intestine becomes infected with the Vibrio cholerae bacteria resulting in acute diarrheal sickness, the condition is known as cholera. People may become unwell if cholera bacteria are found in food or drink. People contract the disease when they consume contaminated food or liquids that contain the bacteria Vibrio cholerae. The infection typically has no symptoms or is only mild, but it can occasionally be serious and life-threatening.

Cholera Meaning in Urdu:

ہیضہ - کسی بھی عمر کے افراد کو بیکٹیریل انفیکشن ہو سکتا ہے جسے ہیضہ کہا جاتا ہے۔ اہم علامات اسہال ہیں اور اگر شدید ہو تو بار بار الٹی آنا ہے۔ جب لوگ آلودہ کھانا یا پانی استعمال کرتے ہیں تو ہیضہ پیدا کرنے والے بیکٹیریا جسم میں داخل ہوتے ہیں اور صحت کو نقصان پہنچاتے ہیں۔ ہیضہ پانی کی کمی کا باعث بھی بن سکتا ہے۔

Cholera in Pakistan:

Cholera is endemic in Pakistan, where an epidemic is defined as a case that has been verified in a lab. With 234 laboratory-confirmed cases reported between January and May of 2022, Sindh province is expected to experience a considerable rise in cholera incidence. The provinces of Punjab and Balochistan have both reported confirmed cholera cases. Even while there are response efforts underway in Punjab, the region is still reporting an increased number of probable cholera cases notably in Lahore and a significant hub for international trade. Given the regular population mobility, a further spread to other provinces would make things worse.

Cholera Causes:

The bacterium that causes cholera, Vibrio cholerae, is typically discovered in food or water that has been tainted by an infected person's excrement. Some typical sources are:

  • Public water sources.
  • Ice created using city water.
  • Street vendors' offerings of food and beverages.
  • Vegetables grew in human waste-contaminated water.
  • Fish and shellfish obtained in sewage-polluted waters are often raw or undercooked.

The bacteria release a toxin in the intestines that causes severe diarrhoea when a person consumes the contaminated food or water. It is unlikely that a brief encounter with an infected person may result in your acquisition of the disease.

Cholera Symptoms:

After infection, cholera symptoms can appear as quickly as a few hours or up to five days later. Mild symptoms are typical. But occasionally they can be really serious. One in twenty infected individuals get severe watery diarrhoea and vomiting which can quickly result in dehydration. Even though many infected individuals may only show minor or no symptoms, they can nevertheless help the illness spread. Dehydration can cause the signs and symptoms listed below:

  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Skin elasticity loss (the ability to return to original position quickly if pinched).
  • Dry mucous membranes, such as the eyelids, throat, nose, and interior of the mouth.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Thirst.
  • Muscle pain.

Dehydration can cause shock and death in a couple of hours if it is left untreated.

Cholera Treatment and Prevention:

For cholera, there is a vaccine. Who should receive this vaccine is outlined in detail by both the CDC and the World Health Organization. By only utilising water that has been boiled, chemically disinfected or bottled, you may safeguard yourself and your family. For the following uses, make sure you use bottled, boiled, or chemically sterilised water:

  • Drinking.
  • Preparing a meal or beverage.
  • Creating ice.
  • Teeth whitening.
  • To wash your hands and face.
  • Cleaning the equipment and plates you use to consume or prepare food.
  • Fruit and vegetable washing.

Boil water for one minute (or three minutes at higher altitudes) to disinfect it or filter it and apply a commercial chemical disinfectant. Additionally, stay away from uncooked foods such as the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables without peels.
  • Milk and milk products without pasteurisation.
  • Raw or undercooked meat or shellfish.
  • Fish taken from tropical reefs that could be poisoned.

Seek emergency medical attention if you experience severe, watery diarrhoea and vomiting especially if you recently had raw shellfish or travelled to a nation where cholera is rampant. Although cholera is quite treatable, it's crucial to start treatment as soon as possible because dehydration can occur suddenly. The cornerstone of cholera treatment is hydration. Depending on the severity of the diarrhoea, oral or intravenous fluid replacements will be used as treatment. For minor cases, emergency care does not include antibiotics which kill the germs. However, they can cut the time that diarrhoea lasts in half and also lessen the amount of bacteria that are excreted which helps to stop the sickness from spreading. If you experience side effects of Cholera in Lahore you must visit Integrated Medical Care Hospital (IMC Hospital).

Integrated Medical Care Hospital (IMC Hospital)

IMC Hospital is a reputable institution and often termed as one of the best hospitals in Pakistan. At IMC Hospital A pool of qualified, senior and certified doctors, having extensive clinical and professional experience, serving at the most renowned and respectable medical institutions across the world are now available under one roof.