imc hospital dha

  • 30-Oct-23

A doctor who specialises in the medical subspecialty of rheumatology is known as a rheumatologist. A board certification for a rheumatologist follows specialised training. In order to become qualified in this field in the United States, one must first complete four years of undergraduate study, four years of medical school, three years of residency training, and then an additional two to three years of fellowship training. Other nations may have different requirements. Internal medicine doctors who specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other illnesses of the joints, muscles, and bones are known as rheumatologists. Many rheumatologists also participate in research to comprehend the cause of these crippling and oftentimes fatal diseases and create better treatments. Currently, the majority of rheumatology practise is evidence-based, with treatment techniques that are based on scientific research.

Rheumatology Diseases Symptoms:

Rheumatology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the joints, muscles, and connective tissues. Rheumatologically symptoms can vary widely depending on the specific condition, but here are some common symptoms and signs associated with rheumatologic disorders:

  1. Joint Pain: Pain in one or more joints is a hallmark symptom of many rheumatologically conditions. The pain can be mild or severe, intermittent or constant.
  2. Joint Swelling: Inflammation in the joints can lead to swelling and tenderness. Affected joints may appear red and warm to the touch.
  3. Joint Stiffness: Morning stiffness is a common complaint, where joints feel stiff and difficult to move, particularly after periods of inactivity.
  4. Reduced Range of Motion: Rheumatologically conditions can lead to a limited range of motion in affected joints, making it challenging to perform daily activities.
  5. Fatigue: Many rheumatologic conditions are associated with significant fatigue, which can be debilitating.
  6. Muscle Pain: Muscle pain, known as myalgia, can accompany certain rheumatologically disorders.
  7. Weakness: Some conditions may lead to muscle weakness, making it difficult to perform tasks that require strength.
  8. Skin Changes: Certain rheumatologically conditions, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), can cause skin rashes and other skin abnormalities.
  9. Fever: Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus may cause fevers, which are often low-grade but can be persistent.

Rheumatology Diseases:

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and damage to joint tissue.

  1. Osteoarthritis: This is a degenerative joint disease that occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joint deteriorates over time, leading to pain and reduced joint function.
  2. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect multiple systems in the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, and more.
  3. Spondyloarthritis: A group of inflammatory diseases that primarily affect the spine and sacroiliac joints, including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis.
  4. Gout: Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, leading to severe pain and inflammation, often in the big toe.
  5. Sjogren's Syndrome: This autoimmune disease primarily affects the salivary and tear glands, leading to dry eyes and dry mouth, but it can also affect other parts of the body, including the joints.
  6. Scleroderma: Scleroderma involves abnormal growth of connective tissue, leading to thickening and tightening of the skin.
  7. Polymyalgia Rheumatic: This condition causes pain and stiffness in the shoulders, neck, and hips and is often seen in older adults.
  8. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): A group of arthritis conditions that occur in children, which may persist into adulthood.

Integrated Medical Care Hospital:

The multi-specialty IMC Hospital was established as a joint venture with DHA Lahore with the intention of revolutionizing healthcare and introducing the concept of completely integrated treatment and services. By combining methods and practices for patient management and putting people before illness, IMC overcomes the inherent difficulties of inpatient care. IMC provides a digital platform that integrates many healthcare service components to transform the way healthcare services are provided. Visit the Integrated Medical Care Hospital and schedule a consultation.